Thursday, May 24, 2007

Prince George, BC to Stewart, BC/Hyder, AK

I am safe and sound in the above. Beautiful ride and got some great pics. Even saw a brown bear moseying along the road. The Inn is having probs with their wireless network so I am on the common computer so don't have much time. More if/when they get it up and running.


xxxooo said...

BC/AK is beautiful country; I'm thrilled that you're experiencing it first hand and up close. Good thing you didn't stop for a bear snapshot; bears run really fast and are hungry after hibernating. Did you know that before going into hibernation, bears eat lots of leaves and hair to clog them up? The spring is overly fragrant with bear poop (nice thought).
If you see any moose know that they kick with their front feet and they run really fast. They're ugly buggers.
Maybe God knew that you needed a break from blogging and talking and texting and gave you a 3-day respite in Stewart. All you have to do is wash clothes! No fear of not wearing all the clothes you packed, I'll bet.
Enjoy the rally tomorrow and takes some pics that include your bright, shining smile. Are you going to have a racoon-eye tan?
Sounds like Whitefish will be a good route to include beautiful Glacier NP. It's not like your trying for some 16-day maximum mile cert. Glad you're getting some rest and even reading.

Renaud said...

Kevin: you are a very good writer. This blog is fucking awesome. You could probably do this every year or so and submit this to the biker magazines. I think they would bite. Glad you make it thru the snowstorm. That would have scared the living shit out of me. I imagined, as I was reading, that you were going to say that you got off your bike and wandered into the woods and took a nap. BE CAREFUL YOU CRAZED LUNATIC.